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Learned the concepts of art and ways to teach these concepts to kids.  Then I weas put into a short practicum with a partner to teach an Art Unit that we had created.


I learned many different types of physical education activities and games and learned how to teach them to children.  In the end I came out with a great binder resource filled with all the activities created by every student in my class.

This is where I learned math concepts, fun ways to learn math and how to teach these concepts to kids.  I had to make up a math game and then we set up these math games at a math fair and students from around Edmonton came and spent the day playing these games with us.

ART 310A

KNES 281

MATH 160

EDTS 234

I learned in this class the concepts and knowledge needed to be a really great teacher in Alberta.  We create both a group lesson plan which a portion was taught in class, and I created an individual lesson plan which I taught while doing a 22 hour practicum.  This class also had us visit other schools in the area and get involved in the education community through learning service hours and PD workshops.

PHIL 347

In this class I learned about contemporary moral issues that affect our society.  We learned about the important philosophers in our history, pornography/hatespeech/censorship, euthanasia/physician assisted suicide, war/terrorism/torture, World hunger/poverty, and the environment/consumption/climate change.  We got to write argumentative papers on a subject that had differing moral issues and I chose "To what extent is it morally acceptable to take your own life".

ENGL 252

In this class we learned about the proper ways to read and write english.  We had to do an oral presentation to work on our presentation skills from an outline we had created.  We learned to write summaries, rhetorical analyses, outline, read scholarly articles and use those articles to write an argumentative essay.  This class made me a better essay writer and helped me identify the issues I had in writing.

FREN 200

In this class we learned beginner french.  We learned how to read, write and listen for fluency.  We watch french videos, translated french songs, had french conversations, and wrote papers and responses in french.  Starting with the alphabet, we progressed to learning the basic elements and structures of the French language. We used many resources to be able to comprehend, speak, read, and write French in everyday situations. Cultural aspects in various French-speaking countries were also taught.

ENGL 301

In this class we read literature from the Romantic and Victorian periods, as well as from the twentieth century to the present. The development and continuity of English literature in relation to historical and social contexts was also studied.

HIST 233

In this class we learned about the development of the Canadian nation from Confederation to 1945, with particular attention to federal-provincial relations, economic development, social movements, and western political protest.  We interpreted literature such as graphic novels on their relevance and legitimacy.

EDTS 371

In this class we learned about the development of language and the importance of literacy for individuals as well as within the classroom setting. We talked of culture and language, the relationship of language to thought, memory, learning, teaching methods, and intervention strategies designed to assist children. We examined the learning principles in order to gain a better understanding of how language development occurs as well as to determine best practice in teaching language and literacy in elementary school classrooms. This course also had a 20 hour practicum focused on a child's literacy ability.

EDUC 3103

In this class we learned about the knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching English Language Arts in elementary schools. We learned instructional methodologies, unit planning, curriculum integration and resource development. We also did a 4 hour volunteer placement at SAAMIS.

EDUC 3106

In this class we learned about the knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching Science in elementary schools. We learned about approaches used to develop instruction, plan units of study, integrate curriculum, develop resources and assessment strategies to meet students' needs.  We also participated in the Family Science Olympics at the College.  

EDUC 3108

In this class we explored knowledge and skills required to implement programs of studies in teaching Mathematics in elementary schools. We learned a range of approaches to develop instruction, plan units of study, and integrate curriculum.  We also went into a classroom to teach a Math RICH task.

EDUC 4325

In this class we learned about factors such as the economy, the state, social class, gender, ethnicity, sub-cultural membership, ideology, religion, and the home environment, and their relationship to and impact on learning in general and schooling in particular.  We spent two days at Southview School for a Passion Day Experience where we shared our passions with the students.
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