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a) This lesson plan is an example of the way I can adapt a lesson plan for the children's needs and yet stay within the program of studies.  If you notice in the lesson plan outcomes I chose grade two math objectives in a class of 12 and 13 year old boys. 


c) This lesson plan was created for a special needs class of boys ages 12 and 13 who learn math at the level of grade two.  I needed to make sure that I stayed with in the grade two program of studies yet make it interesting enough for older boys.  I implimented a cross-curricular aspect in my lesson plan to draw in Language Arts and Science to provide those elements needed to keep the students attention.


d)This lesson plan shows the methodologies used through my Bloom's Taxonomy Guided Questions.  My anticipatory hook shows my understanding of the concepts in which I wanted to teach.  

f)This organization is wonderful.  I got to help out at an event called "Operation Minerva" which gave young girls who want to get into the field of math or science with the opportunity to be mentored by professional women in these fields.  I volunteered my time with PRAXIS for this event with supervision and any other odd jobs that they needed to have done.


d)This is a Unit Plan the was created to teach the unit of Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers according to the grade 5 curriculum.  This is an entire unit start to finish running for 5 weeks and includes lessons, activities, games, and assessment strategies to use to reach Alberta Curricular Outcomes.

d)This is a Unit Plan that is similar to that above, but this one adds elements of cross-curriculum.  This Unit Plan has an addition of Grade 5 Science and Language Arts; adding the concept of Acids and Bases along with a writing component.

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