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Philosophy of Teaching

       The purpose of education is to have children achieve their best through learning.  I want to teach Elementary because I believe it is the introduction to your educational career and if I can get the students to love education at a young age I feel they will be successful in the future.  Children become who they see in our society, they will learn what is good and bad from the people around them.  I want to be that adult who teaches students to be good, upstanding citizens in our community. 


      My classroom shall be a safe space that nurtures learning and individuality and will influence cognitive, social, psychological and emotional learning.  To me, students learn best through indirect teaching, with lots of hands on activities and experiments.  My goal in teaching any lesson is to make the students love what they are doing and to have them all believe that they can be successful. 


      Important qualities a teacher should have are an open mind, imagination and determination.  With an open mind, anything is possible and if you don’t know the answer you are open to finding it in the people around you.  With an imagination, students will be engaged and interested in the subjects that are taught which will peak their education interest.  With determination anything is possible and anything feels like its within reach if you work hard enough.


      The perfect classroom includes break out spaces for more one-on-one help, many quiet areas that produce imagination, creativity and calmness through activities such as reading and art, and lots of open space with plants, dimmed lighting and room for art on the walls.  It should be an environment that everyone feels drawn to and makes them feel safe.  I will reduce the clutter and provide an open concept that creates a strong community within those walls.


      I will follow the curriculum, but teach the concepts in a creative way that will catch the students attention and make learning fun and enjoyable.  Lots of visuals, hands on work, and great discussions will create an educational environment that all will love to be a part of.


      Assessment to me is an on-going commitment that a teacher must do in order to bring their best to the students they are teaching.  Both summative and formative assessment have great results when it comes to education.  Everything from asking questions, creative exit slips and formal assessments give a teacher all the information she needs to be the best teacher possible.


      The most important aspects of my teaching can be put into one simple statement: “Love what you learn and want to learn more.”  This statement can be something that both the teacher and the student strive for.

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