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i) This lesson plan identifies ways in which I had to adapt a lesson plan in order to make it interesting for a group of learners who struggle in mainstream school.  It shows the use of instructional strategies to help these students achieve their outcomes.  In my lesson plan you see the triple E strategies I used to increase learning and Kagan Strategies to get the students involved and engaged.

j) This powerpoint accompanied my lesson plan so that I could provide an electronic visual of the lesson I was teaching which would benefit their understanding.

j) This powerpoint was created as an extension of the first.  My lesson was split in to two days and I needed to recap the lesson and prepare the students for the upcoming activity.  Students, especially those with special needs, benefit from visuals and interactive learning technologies.

e) These pictures are an example of honoring students different learning styles and was in which to respond to those differences.  These are a group of young boys who all have difficulties in school not only academically but socially.  This activity of taking apart a computer tower may seem to some people as not educational but this activity showed me teamwork, creativity, mechanics and leadership which are skills that are difficult at times for these boys to produce. 


m) This lesson plan shows my peer group using popular characters in media to peak the interest of the students.  This is an example of how the students learning in enhanced through the use of a home resource.  I feel that I successfully incorporated things that interest them at home into the lesson to make it more appealing.

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